Author Spotlight, Episode 10 - David Tory

In episode 10 of our Author Spotlight series, founder and editor of History Through Fiction Colin Mustful chats with David Tory, author of the Stanfield Chronicles: Exploration and Retribution. During the interview, Tory talks about the English Separatists of the 16th and 17th centuries and why they came to the “New World.” He also talks about his career as a computer engineer and philanthropist, his thirty years of sailing off the eastern shore of the U.S., and the challenges of narrating his own books. Don’t miss it! 

Cover image for the novel Exploration by David Tory

About the Author

After 30 years in the computer industry, and 13 years with the Essex County Community Foundation, author David Tory began researching philanthropy in 17th century New England. His research uncovered facts about the early settlements that appeared to be generally unknown. As he delved deeper, the character Isaac Stanfield evolved to become the observer and participant in that early history in what became his novel series The Stanfield Chronicles. Tory is also a lifelong sailor. Born in the UK, he moved to the United States in 1980 and now lives on Cape Ann, Massachusetts, with Helen, his wife of 48 years. Tory’s Stanfield Chronicles tell the story of Isaac Stanfield, a young man with a thirst for adventure.

Colin Mustful

Colin Mustful is the founder and editor of History Through Fiction. He is the author of four historical novels about the settlement and Native history of the Upper Midwest. His books combine elements of fiction and nonfiction to tell compelling and educational stories. Learn more at 


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