Introducing HTF Publishing, a new hybrid imprint that promises to give authors the same high-quality publishing experience as its parent imprint. 

About HTF Publishing

Founded in 2023 as an imprint of History Through Fiction, HTF Publishing is hybrid publisher of compelling, high-quality historical novels. Following in the tradition of History Through Fiction, HTF Publishing seeks to provide readers with engaging historical narratives that are rooted in detailed and accurate historical research. As a hybrid imprint, we want to work with authors who are serious about their craft and aspire to share imaginative, important, and well-researched historical narratives with the world.

Novels published by HTF Published are featured right alongside our traditionally published novels! Because of that, we carefully evaluate all submissions and only offer contracts to authors whose manuscripts demonstrate exceptional writing and thorough research. Our pride lies in the combination of style and substance that our novels possess. To ensure the utmost quality and success, each of our novels undergoes an extensive 12-16 month publishing process.

Ready to work with HTF Publishing?

Hi, I’m Colin Mustful

I’m a historian at heart. But over the years I’ve discovered the power of storytelling. An engaging, well-researched historical novel can not only teach readers about the past, it can bring history to life!

In 2013, my first novel, Thy Eternal Summer, was published by a Vanity Press. At the time, I didn’t understand the publishing process and I didn’t know how to utilize the craft elements of fiction. My novel didn’t sell, and my financial investment in the Vanity Press was never returned to me. But that experience motivated me to learn about the publishing process and about the science of storytelling. In 2017, I returned to school for an MFA in creative writing. Then, in 2019, I combined my passion for history and my knowledge of storytelling to create History Through Fiction, an independent traditional press specializing in historical fiction. Now, using all that I’ve learned and experienced, I’ve created HTF Publishing, a hybrid press that allows me share more important, valuable, and engaging historical narratives—your historical narrative.

About HTF Publishing

Founded in 2023 as an imprint of History Through Fiction, HTF Publishing is hybrid publisher of compelling, high-quality historical novels. Following in the tradition of History Through Fiction, HTF Publishing seeks to provide readers with engaging historical narratives that are rooted in detailed and accurate historical research. As a hybrid press, we want to work with authors who are serious about their craft and aspire to share imaginative, important, and well-researched, historical narratives with the world.


To meet the needs of authors and readers alike by providing a professional publishing experience while creating high-quality, engaging historical narratives.


To collaborate with authors who are serious about their craft in order publish great stories that meet industry standards, are competitive in the traditional marketplace, and provide readers with a consistent product that entertains, educates, and motivates them to seek out new and broader perspectives on the past.


At HTF Publishing we value our commitment to authors and readers alike. We believe in collaborating with authors through a transparent, guided process that ensures that our authors are confident in themselves, their stories, and the publishing process. We represent authors who are committed to conveying the historical elements of their stories directly to their readers. Our stories are professionally edited, well-crafted historical narratives that meet the standards set my large traditional publishing houses. We value the proliferation of history, historical fiction, writing, and reading in a manner that is educational, entertaining, and promotes dialogue about the past and its relevance for us today. We support independent authors, book sellers, and publishers. We value diversity in storytelling and we seek to illuminate underrepresented voices and respect marginalized communities and cultures.

Meet the Team

  • Colin Mustful


    Colin Mustful is the founder and editor of History Through Fiction, an independent press that publishes compelling historical novels that are based on real events and people. In 2023, he launched HTF Publishing, a hybrid press, with the goal of assisting authors in bringing important and valuable historical narratives into the world.

  • Robin Henry


    Robin Henry is an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach and holds an MLS (Library Science) and MA in Humanities. She is a librarian, adjunct professor of Humanities, independent scholar, and book coach who is also a definite fan of the Oxford comma. As a hot beverage enthusiast and total history nerd, she can’t wait to read your story!

  • Melissa Makarewicz


    Melissa Makarewicz is the owner and founder of The Literary Assistant. Her business specializes in providing social media and newsletter marketing services to authors. She also operates a Patreon community where she offers additional support and resources to fellow writers, including those who sign with HTF Publishing. When not working, Melissa enjoys spending time with her family. She has a passion for history and loves helping authors succeed and achieve their goals.